Because The Best Memories Are Those You Create

Wax Carving for Jewelry - 6 Hour Class
Wax Carving for Jewelry - 6 Hour Class
Wax Carving for Jewelry - 6 Hour Class
Wax Carving for Jewelry - 6 Hour Class
Wax Carving for Jewelry - 6 Hour Class

Wax Carving for Jewelry - 6 Hour Class

Canggu Jewelry Classes

Regular price $100.00 USD Sale

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Classes available 9:00-12:00 and 13:30-16:30

2x3 hour-sessions on separate days or one full-day experience.


In this 6 hours introductory class, learn the basics of wax carving and make your very own piece of sculptural jewelry in wax with our experienced wax-carvers. This is a great beginner's class especially for anyone interested in exploring how to create a jewelry collection and who wants to have a hands-on experience with the carving process.
You will work with wax and traditional hand-carving tools to sculpt your very own design.

1 x 6h class or 2 x 3h class on different days upon request.
This class runs from 
9:00-12:00 and/or 13:30 - 16:30 (special times available upon request)

Class covers beginning techniques in

  • Tools
  • Wax carving
  • Working with silver
  • Safety

Class sizes are very small, with no more than 2 students at a time to allow one-on-one time with the tutors.
With the techniques you are shown, you will be able to make 1 piece of jewelry from wax to take home with you or take to the next stage of mold-making and casting. 

What you need to bring to this class

If you have an idea or inspiration for a piece of jewelry to make, you are welcome to bring it.
Everything else that you need will be provided.


$100 USD total

General Information

All general materials are included in the cost of the class. 
The classes are taught by expert wax-carvers from Bali who have years of professional experience in wax carving for jewelry. There is a class assistant to help who is knowledgeable about techniques and can translate any questions you might have. The teachers are friendly, knowledgeable and very happy to help.